Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mean Girls Drinking Game

First, pick one of the Plastics. Take a drink every time your Plastic does the thing she is know for (Regina George is mean, Gretchen is told a secret, reveals a secret, or promises not to tell a secret, and Karen is dumb).

Also take a drink every time...

  1. Someone explains either a quality or aspect of North Shore High School (including specific people) or of high school in general.
  2. Someone references Africa or Cady doesn't know something everyone should know because of her time in Africa.
  3. Someone mentions a clique or group of North Shore students (e.g. Plastics, Mathletes, Sexually Active Band Geeks).
  4. Tim Meadows...speaks? Whatever, just take a drink every time Tim Meadows.
Take a bonus drink every time Damian does something stereotypically gay or someone mentions how gay he is.
Take a bonus drink for racism that both lampoons issues of racism and is still somewhat uncomfortable.

Pick a Lizzy Caplan quote. Finish your drink for it. Possible options include:
-"Your mom's chest hair!"
-"You smell like a baby prostitute."
-"Did you have an awesome time? Did you drink awesome shooters and listen to awesome music and then just sit around and soak up each other's awesomeness?" 
-"I guess it's probably because I've got a big LESBIAN  crush on you! Suck on that!"