Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Core Drinking Game

Take a drink every time...

  1. You witness "science" or "technology". Take a second drink if this "science" involves magnets.
  2. Conrad Zimsky (Stanley Tucci) is a douchebag (basically every time he has a line).
  3. We are introduced to a new character. Take a second drink when you realized that a previously introduced character who seemed important is never going to be seen or heard from again. Take a third drink if you took a second drink for a character that inexplicably reappears later.
  4. Aaron Eckhart is messy/disheveled/unkempt/frazzled/neurotic and it is, like, so unbelievable, because when is Aaron Eckhart ever any of those things?
  5. A new city or famous monument* is shown or mentioned.

Take a bonus drink every time an actor delivers a cheesy line, stupid joke, or awful quip with the sort of gusto normally associated with good writing.

Finish your drink as DJ Qualls cries while melodramatically hacking the government's servers.

*Take an extra good chug when THE COLOSSEUM EXPLODES.