Friday, December 12, 2014

Scrooged Drinking Game

Take a drink every time...

  1. Someone says 'Frank'.
  2. Frank (Sir William Murray) finds a new way to be a douchebag to those around him*.
  3. A TV screen is shown.
  4. A bad thing happens to Bobcat Goldthwait (Eliot).
  5. Karen Allen stares somewhere off camera, creepily, without blinking.
Take a bonus drink every time Bobcat Goldthwait tries to rein in that Bobcat Goldthwait thing he does.
Take a bonus drink every time Bill Murray sarcastics his way through this movie and/or finds himself far too charming.

Finish your drink for "Awww...knives!"

*Examples include sitting on people, emotionally manipulating, sexing ladies with his eyes, telling his employees what he would have done, intimidating, firing, insulting children's artwork, enjoying others' despair, pandering to his boss, yelling unnecessarily, stealing from old ladies, lying, being conceited, screaming at children while in the midst of flirting, having terrible priorities, etc.

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