Monday, April 23, 2012

It's a Wonderful Life Drinking Game

Take a drink every time...
  1. Someone says "Bedford Falls" or "George Bailey" (not just George*)
  2. Jimmy Stewart yells someone's name unnecessarily (e.g. MARY!, CLARENCE!, HARRY!)
  3. Any character mentions wings
  4. Music is actively used in the film, whether it's being played, danced to, or sung
  5. Someone in There Is No George Bailey World is unbelievably horrible and mean for no reason
Take a bonus drink every time George gives up something for another person.
Take a bonus drink every time Clarence is not the brightest crayon in the box, the sharpest tool in the shed, the smartest suit in the get our drift.

Finish your drink when Bert, the cop, fires at a moving target into an open space full of innocent bystanders.
Finish your drink for, "And a Happy New Year to you... in JAIL!"

*Unless you want to die.

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