Sunday, October 5, 2014

Flubber Drinking Game

Take a drink every time...
  1. SCIENCE!!!! (This includes machines, robots, zany experiments, random tools, flubber somehow being a sentient being that can be cut up into tiny shoe pads and glued to a dozen feet without causing it any pain, etc.)
  2. Weebo (the robot) plays a video clip to communicate or express emotion. Take two drinks if it's a really complex emotion.
  3. Professor Robin Williams can't remember something or is otherwise absent-minded/a space case or this is discussed by the other characters.
  4. There is physical "comedy" involving Wil Wheaton's dad's henchmen.
  5. Shooter McGavin says something evil.
Take a bonus drink every time Professor Robin Williams does something only the worst scientist ever would do. Examples include:
  • Opening something that just exploded and sticking his face in it
  • Touching substances without gloves
  • Never wearing protective gear in general/lack of safety precautions
  • Sneezing on his experiment
  • Jumping out of a window
  • Endangering society
  • Inhaling gas/chemicals
  • Wiping flubber water on his ass
  • Kissing flubber-coated objects
  • Leaving beakers of chemicals just sitting around
  • Flying a car into the lower atmosphere
  • Making a robot sidekick out of metal so thin it can be broken with a baseball bat
  • Telling a robot sidekick to focus and then letting it die without doing anything
  • Making a robot daughter with his robot sidekick and naming it 'Weebette'

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