Sunday, October 5, 2014

Varsity Blues Drinking Game

Take a drink every time...
  1. Someone says 'Mox' or 'Moxon'.
  2. They're so country (examples include every time they pronounce 'coyote' 'KY-ote', pigs riding in vehicles, dipping pancakes in unknown substances and eating them while driving, mooning people, shots of corn fields, riding in pickup truck beds, unnecessary guns, etc.). Take two drinks if it's Billy Bob. Take three if Billy Bob is drinking syrup.
  3. Coach Kilmer yells. Take two if he's cartoonishly evil.
  4. Moxon is so sensitive and smart and oh, so reluctant about football, the poor dear.
  5. There is an instance of bad parenting.
Finish your drink for the greatest line ever spoken on film, "I DON'T WANT...YOUR LIFE."

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