Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Breakfast Club Drinking Game

First, pick one of the five main student characters. Take a drink each time your character exemplifies his/her stereotype ("a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess, and a criminal") and each time someone else references him/her as exemplifying his/her stereotype.

Also take a drink every time...
  1. You hear a new song.
  2. Someone talks about an adult/adults ruining kids' lives. (Because if nothing else, this movie tells us how all our problems can be blamed on someone else: our parents.)
  3. Principal Vernon interrupts the bonding by coming in to hassle the kids. Two drinks when he delivers an empty threat.
  4. There is a lovey-dovey moment between two characters, (e.g. a look of longing, angry chemistry, rushing to their defense, general pervyness). 
Take a bonus drink when you find yourself wondering what happened to one of the actors or when you do remember what happened to one of the actors and are sad.

Finish your drink for, "No dad, what about you?!"

Finish your drink as a bonus drink, if you so desire, for your character's big speech (note: for Bender, this refers to "Smoke up, Johnny!", since he's got two.)

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