Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Our Top 15 Stupid Comedies

How do we define a "stupid comedy"? It's the kind of movie that lets you just sink back in the recliner and enjoy. You don't have to worry about plot or suspense or keeping track of characters. You don't have to worry about much of anything. The purpose is not to make you think. There is no ultimate goal or deeper message. On the other hand, this isn't the sort of movie that you brag about loving when you're mingling at a party or on a first date and trying to impress someone. These movies aren't classy. But man, do we love them at DGMania. And man do we not find them even a little stupid, not even at all.

15. Hot Rod
If you have not seen this movie, you are thinking to yourself, "What? Like, the one with Andy Samberg? That no one saw?" If you have seen this movie, you are thinking to yourself, "Oh my GODOMIGODOMIGODOMIGOD I LOVE THAT MOVIE and I'm very embarrassed about that." If you have not seen this movie, you have never experienced the true avalanche of happy and sorry that a real guilty pleasure can inspire.

14. The Waterboy
We couldn't possibly make a stupid comedy list without including Adam Sandler. Though his more recent work has often moved on to a wider range of genre with more depth, give us the good ol' oldies any day. Kathy Bates is epic and Henry Winkler is amazing in two supporting roles not to be overlooked. What really makes this one works is that Sandler can do his thing without really having to carry the movie or ever feel like the only focus. Rather, a talented group revolves around him and gives him constant gold to play off of.
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13. Sorority Boys
This is one of those that you really don't want to admit you love on a first date. A plot that has been around since Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis. Really, since Shakespeare. But man, does this one get funnier the more you watch it. Harland Williams and Michael Rosenbaum steal the show.

12. Ghostbusters
The quintessential quippy one-liners style of 80s comedy, don't let the outdated effects get you down. The humor in this film and the hilariously so-bad-they're-good lines are timeless.
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11. Mallrats
You might notice that Kevin Smith movies are the only time you don't hate Ben Affleck (We'll pretend Jersey Girl didn't happen). That's because Kevin Smith is a genius, and nowhere is that more apparent than in this movie, which, ostensibly about some losers hanging out in an unrealistic mall, is actually the most genius thing ever made in the history of the world. Kind of. Plus, you know, there's The Force.
Brodieman T-Shirt (Google Affiliate Ad)

10. Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
Though we love International Man of Mystery as well, this second installment in the Austin Powers series (how we wish there hadn't been a third) brings together all the successful elements of the first in a new and polished way. We do recommend seeing the first one as well to fully appreciate the many, many self-referencing jokes to be found in this one. But, either way, the jokes just keep coming and Mike Myers joined by a hilarious supporting cast (yay for Seth Green) is unmistakably awesome.
9. The Naked Gun films
Leslie Nielsen, how we will miss him, was born to play Drebin. Heck, he was born to spoof. Nielsen had a style of comedic timing that no one has ever had, or will ever have again and a knack for a straight-faced delivery of some of the most epic lines in comedic film history. Plus, did we mention O.J. Simpson before he was O.J. Simpson?

8. Dodgeball
Disgusting, unnecessarily foul, and the low of low brow humor, we love Dodgeball. This film has some of the best comedic performers of the modern generation and everyone is used so well in this movie, cast so well- there is nothing to change. Dodgeball, we love you just the way you are.
Halloween DodgeBall Average Joe Adult Men's Costume (Google Affiliate Ad)

7. What About Bob?
A little-thought-of comedy, this 1991 classic has Richard Dreyfuss as the perfect foil to Bill Murray's insanity. With an excellent supporting cast and impeccable comedic timing, this movie keeps building long after you think it has nowhere left to go.

6. Caddyshack
You know how there are times when classics are classics just because people say so but then they're really not that great? This is not one of those times. Caddyshack will have you roflcopting it up, its humor not in the least bit outdated and with some of the best performances of some of the best comedic performers of the 1980s. (That may have sounded like a lot of qualifiers, but seriously, it's good. So you should watch it.)

5. Kung Pow: Enter the Fist
The more you watch Kung Pow, yes, the funnier it becomes, but the more you realize how genius its creator Steve Oedekerk. For those of you unfamiliar with the movie, he takes an actual kung fu film and photoshops himself and other new actors into the action. I dare you to try and sort out in some scenes what is real and what is Steve working his magic. His hilarious, hilarious magic.

4. Airplane!
Long before we had snakes on planes, we had pervy pilots, Kareem Abdul-Jabars, and jive talking nuns. Even though half of the jokes are topical and no longer make sense to us today, there is so much in this film that we don't care. Airplane! contains so many of the most memorable and creative jokes of our time. What would the world of comedy be without it?

3. Anchorman
Anchorman is Will Ferrell at his best. It is undoubtedly Christina Applegate (man, do she and Ferrell play off each other perfectly) and Steve Carrell at their best. Paul Rudd hits you out of nowhere. And need we mention the gazillions of other hilarious people from SNL and elsewhere that have supporting or cameo roles? The largely unscripted and free-flowing hilarity of Anchorman gives it a special vibe. It feels more like a group of extremely talented friends who got together and goofed off for a camera than a typical movie. And we mean this in the best possible way.
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2. Young Frankenstein
Gene Wilder? Gene Wilder AND Madeline Kahn? Together? Not to mention the Mel Brooks factor...What more do you need? This movie is our favorite of Mel Brooks'. It is so genius that it hurts us to watch. Seriously, how do Gene Wilder and Madeline Kahn do what they do? And will there ever be anyone that funny ever again?

1. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
It is undeniable that Monty Python totally changed modern comedy. And for the better. Their particular brand of sketch-style nonsensical humor, now often copied, was and still is incredibly significant and totally unparalleled. Just try to count how many roles Michael Palin plays in this one. Just try.

The runners up (not because they're not awesome, but because they're just a little too smart for this list):
1. Office Space
2. Groundhog Day
3. Wet Hot American Summer
4. Clerks
5. Hot Fuzz
6. Forgetting Sara Marshall

**Disagree? Have some to add? Want to see any of these movies made into a drinking game?  Then comment below and let us know!**

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