Saturday, May 12, 2012

Over the Top Drinking Game

Take a drink every time...
  1. The soundtrack is terrible/the soundtrack is hilarious (note: you can [and should] drink multiple times for the same hilarious/awful song)
  2. There is an indication of Hawk's familial misfortunes (e.g. his kid says something douchey to him, someone references his having left his family, etc.)
  3. There's arm wrassling. Heck, take three.*
  4. There is a shot of scenery
  5. Someone says "Hawk" or  you see it written**
Take a bonus drink every time mom is incredibly ill. Take two every time you feel like a monster for drinking for a dying woman.
Take a bonus drink every time Hawk is just SO blue collar
Finish your drink when SMASHER says, "I don't, I don't believe anything!"
Finish your drink for "As long as you lose as a winner it doesn't matter."

*If you're doing three, definitely switch to one toward the end of the movie when they hold the arm wrestlympics. Seriously. Be warned. It's intense. 

**This includes "Hawks". Not drinking enough? Do the same for "Cutler."

 Advertise your own love of the sport!

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